Sunday, April 6, 2008

12 Blocks Complete!

I met my quota - 12 blocks done before Monday. There will be 59 blocks total with 11 or 12 each of five different fabrics for the trees. The blocks are a 12 inch finished block.
Now, my question to all you wonderful quilters out there: What about all those bias edges? If I am very careful when assembling the blocks for the top, and then do a nice border on the quilt top for stability, will I be OK? Is there anything I should do to be certain it doesn't get wonky? Should I reduce the pressure on the sewing machine foot while piecing the blocks (someone told me this helps with bias edges)? Suggestions please........


Sweet P said...

Your tree blocks are cute. How big is a finished block?

Greenmare said...

wow girl! you have been a sewing machine this weekend!! get it huh huh huh a sewing MACHINE!!! boy, bet you REALLY can't wait for next Saturday huh?????

Greenmare said...

man, here I am sneaking in the back door again to say hi. Our server is "upgrading" the email and of course it's totally whacked out now. grrr. leave it alone and let me talk!!!

Quilter Kathy said...

I would probably spray starch or use Magic Sizing on all the blocks and give them a good press. And when sewing them together, I have a pin feed setting that helps with challenging, bias edge,or tiny blocks.

scraphappy said...

Have you thought about sashing the blocks? It seems that if you cut a lattice and cornerstones to the right size that it would lock in the bias edge and allow you to put them together without worry.
